I really wasn’t a germaphobe until I had kids. I mean I’ve seen what germs can do when they steamroll through an entire family. As a parent, you feel terrible when your little ones are sick. If your husband is under the weather, the word is ending (according to him), and if Mamma gets sick, well, this ship is going down.
So because of these nasty germs that invade us in so many ways, I’m constantly preaching and practicing cover your mouth when you cough and wash your hands to everyone in this house.
So imagine my shock, surprise and gag reflex when I was watching Dr. Oz discuss germs and bacteria inside your home. He said the “normal” amount of bacteria for a surface is around 80, but our toothbrushes usually contain double that amount. If you’re headed straight the your bathroom to throw your toothbrush away, I’ll wait.
You’re back? Oh good because I have something that may make you feel better about the yuckies on your family’s toothbrushes. These silly fools and their #FabSmile
Sometimes brushing my kids’ teeth can be a little “interesting” actually it feels more like a wrestling match, but they do have the sweetest smiles. There isn’t much I wouldn’t do just to see these munchkins say “cheeeeessseee” for the camera.
So that is why FlossAndBrush.com has actually helped me out by easing some of my germ fears and making my life a little easier.
The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three months. FlossAndBrush.com makes it easy to always have new toothbrushes every three months for everyone in your family. By paying just $1.00 per month, per person in your family, FlossAndBrush.com will ship a box of fresh, quality toothbrushes and floss to your home – one for each member of your family.
Unless you are some sort of amazing coupon queen, you can’t beat this deal. Plus each time you receive a delivery, you know it’s time to change out your family’s toothbrushes. A great deal and helpful? Yes please!
FlossandBrush.com is actually the first company to offer this service and you can even add-on teeth whitening gel to your orders. This is always good for those of us that have had a little too much coffee over the years, right?
Here is where it gets good, the GIVEAWAY!
The giveaway is valued at $107 and includes the following:
- 1 Free Annual FAB Membership (every three months, a new toothbrush and 3 month supply of flows will arrive at your winner’s doorstep)
- 1 Free Annual FAB + White4Life Memberships (this includes not only a toothbrush and floss every three months but each shipment will also include FAB’s professional grade whitening to be used in custom whitening trays)
- Visit FAB’s Pinterest page and repin an image from any one of the “Smile Boards” that makes you smile. Include a description in your pin that explains why it makes you smile. Include the #FABsmile hashtag in the pin. Come back to this post and share the link to the pin in order to enter for a chance to win.
- Sign up for FlossAndBrush.com’s mailing list: http://bit.ly/17Tjoof.
Good luck! The winner will be picked in one week!
If you want to know more about FlossAndBrush.com and their services, you can find them here:
Adorable kiddos, obviously, and I like to win stuff!
I chose pin http://pinterest.com/pin/473440979548212808/ because if I can eat and whiten my teeth, my prego self is very, very smiley 🙂
I’m on my mobile so I can’t find the URL for my pin! Booo! Because I would really l would really love to win this! I try to keep good track of when we are due for new toothbrushes but if a box showed up at my door I would know for sure!