Pacifier addiction is a real and very serious issue. It effects millions of families each year. That is why I am hanging out with Kim from One Classy Motha to share my story about paci addiction and how my latest invention can help those in your family suffering from pacifier addiction. Click here to find me.
After you read my post, click around and check out what is going on at One Classy Motha; seriously she is a HOOT and you will thank me later.
Rosey The Coupon Coach says
This article is adorable. I didn’t have this problem with my son thankfully. He never cared for the pacifier.
TJ Sims says
This post is adorable! I got lucky with my daughter. We had one bad night of crying and screaming and then the next day nap time was a little “nightmarish” then bedtime she was fine and went to bed no problem. I guess it helped that I only let her have her paci at nap and bed time not at all throughout the day. My son on the other hand, I’m not to sure. He is only 6 months old so I have some time but he loves his WubbaNub. I am not looking forward to taking his paci away.