Deciding to add to your brood can be a difficult decision, but luckily for you, I have devised a simple quiz to help you determine if you can expect a bun in your oven in the near future.
- While sitting among the ladies waiting for a pap smear at your yearly exam, you longingly look at the pregnant women and wish you were “playing for the other team”.
- When you hold someone else’s baby, your ovaries make a sound like a sad trombone.
- You have baby names picked out, and if someone on Facebook uses that name for their kid, you only refer to them as “name stealer” and “worst friend ever.” You also make outlandish claims that their baby looks like Winston Churchill.
- You have a secret board on Pinterest where you pin ways to announce the new pregnancy and birth. Plus you really want to have a gender reveal party because they’re just cool and they didn’t have those cool things the last time you were pregnant.
- Sorting through your kids’ piles of outgrown clothes is enough to send you over the edge or face first into a huge glass of wine.
- Seeing a pregnant woman in the grocery store makes you sigh out loud and your uterus weep.
- Your garage looks like this:
- You just got a “save the date” for your cousin’s wedding that is happening on a tropical island next year, and you’re just not sure you can commit…yet.
- You spent last weekend “cleaning up” the guest room.
- You’ve started to kid yourself that the awful side effects of pregnancy really aren’t so wretched,“Morning sickness? Oh it wasn’t that bad!” “Who needs sleep?” “Labor and delivery? ‘Tis but a scratch!”
0 We get it, you’re done. DONE. You’ve sent your husband off to the guillotine and tossed out the baby bibs as soon as your last kid could wipe their own face.
1-3 You may have thought about having another kid, but then your current children performed their magic (tantrum, multiple trips to time out) and they cured your baby fever ASAP.
4-7 You put up a good front, but you could be convinced either way. You’ve got a mild case of baby fever, but it wouldn’t take much for you to “pull the goalie.”
8-10 Come on, who are you kidding? You already have one leg up in the stirrups.
Kita says
Well I know I am done because I have no one to impregnate me lol my hubs is fixed but there is a 1% chance
amushro says
Hahaha! You better watch out for that 1%! You could become that urban legend!
Leah Elizabeth Locklear says
Hahaha!! I think I am GOOD and DONE with kids! haha.. although many say I will change my mind seeing how I only have one and I am 26 but just last night as my son and I were spending our quality mommy and son time together I was thinking to myself, ” This is just perfect, I don’t need another little person coming in and taking my focus away from my little prince. hehe.. He has all of me and I can be the best mommy I can be to my ONE little man.” For some it works having 1,2, or maybe three children but for us it works just having my little man and mommy! Thanks for sharing! ~Leah~
amushro says
Perfectly stated!!! Thank you for your sweet comments!!!
Nikki says
Love the list! I know I am done, but I do sometimes wish I wasn’t. Then i remember that my son is now 8 and is getting more self-sufficient by the day. I don’t want to start all over again! Still, sometimes I do stare longingly at babies.
amushro says
I hear you! Could you imagine going back to diapers!!
cindy b says
lol. How cute! i haven’t had kids and not sure its in the cards for me but I love hearing that other people love it and get so excited for it!
amushro says
Thank you!! Excited or not so excited, right? Haha!
whencrazymeetsexhaustion says
Love this!!
amushro says
You just want me to be knocked up with you 🙂
Tammy Graham @ LoveMy2Dogs says
Ugg! We wanted more for so many years and we were unsuccessful. Then had two miscarriages back to back and told not to have any more children for health reasons. Now after being married for 25 years and our daughter is 24 I am on blood thinners and no longer allowed to take birth control. This is not a post I need to have anything to do with. lol I have had nightmares/terrors that I find out that I am pregnant on my 50th birthday. And that was before my blood clots and blood thinners.
Roshni says
I’m definitely zero, though I won’t be sending the husband to the guillotine yet since he’s kinda useful doing odd jobs around the house, you know! 😛
Rosey says
LOL, this is HILARIOUS! And I can so relate. We have four, and if we’d have had more time (aka we weren’t such old geezers), I’d have sure wanted more. 🙂
Jen @ Real Life Parenting says
Based on this little quiz, I am 100% done. (No whammies! No whammies!!)
Very funny post!! Made me laugh several times 😀
christie says
I just packed up 3-6 month clothes and when my husband said “should I take these to the clothing donation bin?” I gave him such a glare he just picked them up and said “I’ll be back….just running to storage real quick!”
Over here from finding the funny….love this list!
Venassa says
I know I’m not done. I didn’t think I’d want one until my kids are in school in 3 more years (and I still dont), but I’m starting to get a touch of baby fever.
Robbie says
I suffer from chronic iWANTABABYITIS. I didn’t take the test because I would cheat just to score high enough to get knocked up again.