I love a good vlog. How about you? You know what else I love? Watching other bloggers vlog, mainly because I’m nosey and wanna see what they look like and sound like. This week on the Mommy TMI vlog I’m sharing my blogging goals for 2014, the most unorganized room in my house, and big travel plans!! Wanna see my answers? Oh you’re nosey too? I knew I liked you!
Find some more awesome bloggers and listen to their answers! Click right here!
Another great vlog for you! I’m getting ready to pimp it out for you mama! Have fun in Disney! We have yet to take the plunge on that excursion…but the magic time is rapidly coming to a close so it is probably time to start planning it! (and saving for it) Have a great weekend!
Ahhh have so much fun! And my closet is lucky if it gets cleaned seasonally. Priorities.