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#SparklySavings #CollectiveBias
A long time ago, the way to my heart was pretty typical: romance, wining and dining, love letters, and flowers. Now, the way to my heart is a little more practical but a lot more helpful, the dishwasher. Actually not having to touch the dishwasher is the way to my heart, and really, is there anything more romantic than your man helping around the house? Keep your poetry and give me a casserole dish with baked on lasagna that sparkles when cleaned and someone else has put it back in the cupboard—in the right spot. Swoon! Romantic dates? Who needs them? Just make sure my glasses don’t have water spots. That’s a gross exaggeration, I still want romantic dates, but I also want my husband to do the dishes. So he can woo me by taking on the dirty pots and pans and picking out the best dishwasher cleaner. Because when I cook, I use every single dish, bowl, fork, spoon, and measuring cup within a ten mile radius. Then I leave him a sink that looks like this:
“No, no. I’ve got this! You sit down and relax. Turn on the TV or maybe read a book. You’ve earned this little break. Plus I like doing the dishes.” (I totally made up the last part).
How are you getting those dishes so clean? His secret, Quantum Finish Dishwasher tabs. Those little pre-soaking Powerballs can wash right through the dried on macaroni and cheese from yesterday’s lunch and the advanced power with bleach knocks out smell in that rogue sippycup that we found under the couch that contained what we suspect to have once been chocolate milk.
It’s not all work around here. Loading the dishwasher is really just the grownup version of Tetris. While I just shove dishes into the dishwasher haphazardly, this man has a plan and a strategy. He gets every last dish carefully placed for optimum cleaning. Look at that skill!
Such careful attention to detail! He meticulously inspects the most prized stemware: Mamma’s wine glass. No water spots here thanks to Finish and his careful hand washing!
For me? What a guy! Ladies, can you see what a gem I have here?
Did I also mention this guy grocery shops and clips coupons too? When we were shopping with the family, he reminded me that Walmart has a Rollback for Finish products going until October that can also be paired with a coupon for amazing savings. This one is a keeper!
Who said romance is dead? It’s alive and kicking in this house all thanks to a sweet man who scrubs my dishes. Clearly the person who said “happy wife, happy life” had a husband who did the dishes for her.
Here’s your chance to save a few bucks on Finish Products!
I love that you put your husband to work 😉 I do the same with mine.
You DO have a gem. Mine will do laundry…and grill dinner. That’s about it. 😉
Your husband is hilarious!!! My husband will wash the dishes when I cook which is awesome and gives me the incentive to cook more, too bad the girls won’t eat more of my meals!!
Haha! I feel the same way about my husband and laundry!
My husband fills the dishwasher and washes dishes that aren’t safe for dishwasher. I’m totally keeping him. Thanks for the coupon!!
My husband helps me cook sometimes, but I still need to train him about the dishwasher. Thanks for the coupon!
It’s great to have good help! What a great hubby!
We have such great guys – mine “does” the dishes too. 😉 I love that your hubby hands you a glass of wine, too!
LOL!!! How nice of him to load the dishwasher!! I wish my husband would actually both LOAD and UNLOAD ours!!
We do use Finish. I’ve never had a problem with it!
A husband who does the chores is amazing. That’s all it takes to sweep me off my feet.
There’s something very special about a husband who does the dishes. Lucky you 🙂
Ha! I love this post! I need to put my husband to work in the kitchen more often! LOL!
I love Finish. It really is as good as they claim. My dishes look great.
At my house, I AM the dish washing machine. Hey, she does the laundry, so why not?
I totally agree! A husband and dishwasher is a beautiful picture to see, LOL
So funny! Your husband is a great sport! Finish makes a great product!
If he is looking for other houses to do dishes he is always welcome here! It’s nice to have someone else take over the dishes!
When your husband is willing to help with household duties, you know you’ve found a keeper. Good man!
That’s really nice that your husband loads the dishwasher for you. Mine does the same. I cook and he cleans up after.
He looks like he is actually enjoying the job of cleaning those dishes! It’s nice having a second hand to get things done especially when it comes to cleaning up the kitchen, one of the things I hate doing!
Yeah, you’re pretty lucky, I have to say. 🙂 My husband doesn’t even know how to turn the dishwasher on. He probably doesn’t know where the dish soap is either and it sits on the sink (you get the picture). 🙂
So awesome! My husband is the worst for dish washer, he doesn’t ever remember and he has only a few jobs around the house. Lol.
Your Too Funny Love Finish It Really Works Great Don’t It Thanks For The Coupon!!
I love having a dishwasher! Finish is a great product to use.
Could your husband counsel those slacker husbands? My husband is such a “thats womans work” and “guys dont clean” guy that I want to pull all my hair out.
That is just plain awesome! 😀 I don’t even have a dishwasher…..
This make me wish I had a dishwasher so we have a reason to use Finish products! Hopefully in or next place *crosses fingers*
Sending this to my mom because water spots drive her nuts! We sadly don’t have dishwasher! 🙁
My husband does the dishes. However he tries to fit as many dishes in there as he can.
Impressive on so many levels!! My dad never did dishes when we were growing up. He used to say that’s what he had kids for. We were the dishwashers of the house – oh and I still remember the joy of the day we got an actual dishwasher for the first time!! – Katy
we use finish too. its the only thing that works
I read your title and I was like umm, nothing! But then you surprised me. lol I would love my husband to be a dish washer.
I loved what you said about it being Tetris-like. Ain’t that the truth! I like those Finish tabs too!
Finish is one of the only cleaners that make my dishes clean! Love this product!
My husband is the dish washer in my house too! I also LOVE your backsplash!
A husband who does all the stacking and unpacking? Yes please!!!
Ha ha! Finish is the only thing that seems to work on my dishes, but feel free to send your husband over to help load and unload!
I love the way you write! My husband does the dishes and we pretty much load the dishwasher the same way.
Love this! If my husband ever did the dishes, I doubt he’d let me get a photo. haha
Woman, please. If a man did the dishes for me he would win my heart, stock and loyalty. YES! Kudos to your husband and Finish. There are few things I love more than a man who is considerate and glasses and sliverware without water spots.
Ha, ha, ha… I love this… MY Father-in-Law does the dishes every night… and it really helps. HA! He is a man after my heart
my husband believes in the magic sink, everything goes there and makes it into our dishwasher some magical way:)
My late husband used to cook, clean and do the laundry. He was a real gem and I miss him terribly.
I have tried these and they do clean good. Also, by the way, your husband is awesome. Make sure you keep him.
The deal in my house is I cook and he cleans. I let him use the dishwasher every once in a while – but he has to load it 🙂
We use Finish in our house. I think that this cleans our dishes better than anything else.
How fun! I love that they get out the smell! This would be great for our water bottles. Thanks for the coupon.
Can he teach my hubby to do this?
Haha, that’s awesome! What a great guy. We use Finish too.
There is indeed something awesome about a husband who can load and unload the dishwasher.
I agree, husbands do make great dish washers. We use FINISH in our dishwasher, that stuff really works.
My husband is actually the dish washer in our house. I do mostly everything else so that’s his ONE job. We use Finish too. I’ve bought other brands and it always turns out to be such a waste of money. Finish is a little more expensive but so worth it in the end since I don’t have to run the cycle through twice.
Hahaha my husband needs to read this post. We BOTH hate doing dishes, and they end up piling up, and then I hear, “Hey honey, can you do dishes today? We don’t have any cups!” lol
haha! The best dishwasher! My husband does dishes too 🙂
Love that your hubby is such a good sport! Still working on mine about the whole dishwasher thing…
Oh pretty kitchen! And yay for the hubs doing the dishes! My kids do ours haha.
We love Finish it’s all we use with our dishes.
Wow! Looks like he did a really great job! You’re very lucky! My husband is much the same way. Makes it all nice and sweet doesn’t it?
I wish I could get my husband to do the dishes. I think it is great your husband got the dishes so clean.
There’s something about a man helping clean up that is so beautiful. I’ve heard about these great tabs, but i do not have a dishwasher, so everything is done by hand for me.