*I am a member of the Collective Bias ® Social Fabric ®Community. This post has been compensated as part of a social shopper insight study for Collective Bias and their client*
I really love taking two small children to the grocery store to shop for the week. Wait, I have to catch my breath from laughing so hard. The truth is having two kids in tow while food shopping can be enough to make this gal lose her mind, but this week I had a secret weapon thanks to Rubi Kiosk coffee . If the kids can have snacks to entertain and distract them, then Mamma can have Seattle’s Best fresh ground coffee while I browse the aisles of our local grocery store.
I am a firm believer that with coffee in hand, I can accomplish just about anything. However, with a delicious cup of pumpkin spice coffee that didn’t break the bank to buy, well then watch out world!
At first I was a little nervous about getting coffee from a kiosk. I mean come on, I’m used to paying close to five dollars for fancy coffee and waiting ten minutes for it to be made. I just assumed I would have to take the coffee the way the machine decided, but there were tons of choices of flavors as well as several different milk and sweetener options. So if you are just as picky as me, you can get your personalized your coffee just the way you like it.
Who would have thought that watching delicious coffee being made from a kiosk could be so entertaining?
This isn’t a machine full of coffee just sitting and waiting for you to stop by and push a few buttons. Once you make your selection, the coffee beans are ground as soon as you order. And a few minutes later I had hot fresh brewed coffee.
So I took my fresh Seattle’s Best coffee, my coffee cheerleaders, my coupons, and we were off to shop. However, this time the usual cart pushing, rows and rows of sugary cereal, and not being able to find corn starch (seriously where do they put that stuff?) wasn’t so bad. In fact, I would venture to say I actually enjoyed grocery shopping with my kids. I know, shocking right?
Find a Rubi Kiosk Coffee near you and here is your chance for a free cup of coffee !