My blog’s tag line “Laughing at life as a parent so they don’t commit me” isn’t just something funny that fits nicely on my blog. No, friends, it the TRUTH! And really, we all need to laugh a whole lot more, amirite? So let me help you with that because I’m thrilled to tell you that the hilarious book I STILL Just Want to Pee Alone is available now and I’m in it!! My essay is all about kids in public bathrooms, poop particles, and Dr. Oz. It’s getting real, friends.
So it’s time to ignore your kids, tell your husband to fend for himself, get your copy, and get your laugh on! Remember when I told you about the 40 amazing writers that are featured in this book? What are you waiting for? Go! Read! Laugh! Leave a review on Amazon! See how I snuck that in there?
Get your copy on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ans iTunes or you can get the book from me! Just send me an email to
Also I’m having a book signing April 10 at the Simply Sweet Shoppe in Uniontown, PA and I’ll be speaking at the Uniontown Baby & Beyond Expo on May 17. If you are in the area, please come see me! I will probably hug you. Hope you’re cool with hugs.