Everyone has a talent and mine, friends, is drinking wine. Just kidding (no not really). My talent is Beverly Hills 90210 trivia. Go ahead, hit me with your best questions. I’m sure you can’t stump me! Since I spent so many years in front of the TV watching the Beverly Hills gang grow, make horrible decisions (fashion and in life), and find themselves in unrealistic situations, it’s no wonder that so many times in my own life it all keeps coming back to 90210.
It all started when I wrote this little gem about life lessons from 90210. It was featured on Scary Mommy when I was just a little baby blogger and the adorable Jason Priestley retweeted it on Twitter and called it
It could have been because I wrote this:
And really, have truer words ever been spoken?
Even when the show went off the air and the reruns were harder and harder to find, my love for 90210 never went away. The same was true for the actors on the show. I’ve followed their careers as they’ve played out on television shows, reality shows, their own books, and the tabloids.
Years later I still really love Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth, and when I got an invite from the fabulous women behind The MOMS to head up to New York to catch a viewing of Tori and Jennie’s new show Mystery Girls, I about DIED! Then I panicked because I needed something to wear!
A few days later, I was in NYC with my favorite traveling partner, my mom, and ready to meet the gals behind my favorite show
While waiting in the small theater with about 30 other women, I was ridiculously excited. Sort of like Brenda Walsh before Spring Fling.
We watched two episodes of Mystery Girls and, let me tell you, I’m hooked! The jokes were smart, the ladies looked beautiful, and watching Tori and Jennie perform physical comedy was such a change from their 90210 days and super entertaining. After the giggles died down and the viewing was over, it was time for a Q &A with Tori and Jennie.
Here was my chance! While there were a lot of the warm up and general questions, I totally took over the Q&A (I’m ridiculously pushy). So here is me talking to Tori. (Eekk!)
After the viewing and my line of questioning, surely Tori and Jennie wanted to be my new BFF–probably not but a gal can dream.
The event was a blast, Tori and Jennie were smart,funny, and ridiculously beautiful in person, and NYC remains one of my favorite cities in the world. I’m so thrilled The MOMS asked me to attend this event and I wanted to hum the Beverly Hills 90210 theme song all week. You’re humming it now, aren’t you?
You can catch Mystery Girls on ABC Family on Wednesdays at 8:30!