OK here goes nothing!
Did you ever have those moments in life when something so ridiculous, insanely funny, or just plain wrong happens and you look around for a camera to make a funny face of acknowledgement, a la Jim from The Offfice. No? Just me?
Well here’s the thing, I am a Mommy to a three year old Monkey boy and a one year old Screaming Mimi; this means they bring the LOLs and Oh noooooos every day. Since I spend most of my days with two bambinos and not too many adults, I start to think I have gone a little bananas; however,I have a place to share my crazy! My mom thinks my musings are a hoot, my husband still thinks I am the wittiest gal he knows, the Monkey and Mimi think I am an awesome singer (genius kids), I just hope you like me…..really like me.
So welcome to my questionable choices in parenting. Hope you find my crazy entertaining 🙂