Night after night I would watch the honest and brave women walk up to a microphone and share their stories of motherhood. I would laugh and cry with them and say over and over “Me too!” Watching the videos for past Listen to Your Mother shows inspired me to be brave enough to share my own story. I agonized which piece to read, made edits–then took those edits out–and added a few more changes, and took the plunge and auditioned for the Washington DC cast. Weeks later I was pacing the floors refreshing my email every three seconds until the email came from the producer Kate–“You’re in!”
Honestly, I cried and let out a scream that sent the dog racing out of the room (very fitting–you’ll see in the video). Then I panicked. My piece was my usual humor and parenting fail post and so many pieces I had watched online were so heart wrenching and brutally honest. What if my reading didn’t add up to those women sharing such personal stories?
My fears of not measuring up were put at ease when the director Stephanie told the cast how each of our stories served the greater purpose of telling an entire story and taking the audience on a ride full of ups and downs, tears and laughter, sympathy and empathy, and the perfect blend of motherhood.
I love this show. I love the women in this show with me. I love Stephanie and Kate for choosing me. I love this story. And I love that I get to share Listen to Your Mother with you.
While you won’t need the tissues for this reading, I hope it makes you laugh and you watch the videos of the DC cast and the other cities!