Some people will tell you that as a parent the most significant moments in child rearing are the milestones like the first time your baby walks, says “Mamma”, or is old enough to wipe their own butt. I’m here to tell you that is crap. Sure, sure those are all important moments, epic moments. However, the most important moment of a parent’s life is stumbling across a great babysitter.
Not just any old babysitter but “the babysitter.” Your go-to-gal for date night. The one that your children (and you) leap into the air for joy upon her arrival. The one that probably takes better care of your kiddos than certain family members (uh-huh, you too?). The truth is “the babysitter” doesn’t just take care of your kids; they can save your life or at least your sanity.
I knew I had found “the one” when someone inquired about my babysitter and I got all Gollum on them and referred to her as “my precious”.
I spotted our Ashley on the playground while my son ran around like a wild man, my daughter was just a tiny newborn, and I was an exhausted and overwhelmed mess. On that day, the playground was full of the usual suspects:
- the nanny chatting away on her cell phone and aimlessly pushing the tiny babe on the swing while her other charge pushes your kid down in the mulch
- the intimidating gang of babysitters that huddle around the park bench—don’t make eye contact, don’t make eye contact
- the overzealous babysitter acting out Beauty and the Beast for her small gang of minions
And then it was like the fog lifted when I saw a little girl I knew from the mommy and me gym class scene playing with a very attentive babysitter who spoke sweetly to the tiny lady and smiled the entire time.
Strategically I scooted my daughter’s stroller up to this vision on the playground and started chatting her up. She was kind, well spoken, experienced, and in 30 seconds I had bribed her to become my new babysitter. When she agreed to watch my kids once a week Rihanna’s “We Found Love in a Hopeless Place” started playing in my head.
After two blissful years my babysitter decided to ruin my life and is going back to school to become a teacher. How dare she try to better herself and the lives of other children and not sit around to be at my beck and call on the rando days I have something to do? I kid, I kid (sorta).
Even with her packed schedule, she still squeezes us in so I can take Hubby out for his birthday and helps me out in a pinch. She’s even coming early so I can shower and get ready in peace. See, I told you this one was a gem!
So here is my advice: if you find an Ashley, “the babysitter”, move her into your house and never let her go. Be sure to feed her, but just keep her close so that she doesn’t wander too far.
And don’t you ask for her number, unless you want me to look like this: