I am up to my eyeballs in moving boxes, and I am telling you, friends, I couldn’t be happier! Selling your house makes you feel like your are seconds away from dropping your basket (remember this and this silliness), but the excitement over actually selling (yikes we are homeless) is pretty amazeballs. We found ourselves packing, packing, oh so much packing, then living with my in-laws for two weeks (insert every in-law joke imaginable), but we are FINALLY in our new house! Confetti and balloons fall from the sky!
Every few minutes, I look around expecting someone to shout “the jig is up!” and toss us out of our swanky new pad because they realize it’s just too nice for us. I’ve gone a little hoarse from sitting in my kitchen and squealing “EEEKKKK, It’s all mine!”
While it is going to take us days weeks months a lifetime to sort through the boxes, I have already learned a thing or two while in my humble abode.
- I stressed over how the kids would deal with this move. I scowered Amazon for every children’s book on moving, read every piece of advice online on how to prepare them, and agonized over their happiness just to learn they couldn’t care less about the move. I told the boy we moving to a house with a pool across the street and he was sold. As long as Mimi had her baby doll and paci, she was cool. Creeps
- All of this worrying about the kids, but it’s the dog that has taken it the hardest! My poor old lady constantly has a panicked look on her face like we are going to send her furry butt back to the pound at any minute. She hasn’t quite realized this is her new place, and is so out of sorts, she just paces at night. Maybe I should have read her the Berinstain Bears book on moving
- Unpacking your entire kitchen in your new house and finding that 40% of your cupboards are still empty is what I imagine nirvana feels like. My kitchen looks like Old Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard and it is glorious. Look at all of this space. Just look at it! I could fit my kids in these cupboards! Now get out of my way and give me my credit card, I need to do some shopping to fill up this space.
- A few packages went to our old address and the new owners were nice enough to show us the changes they made. They painted over everything I had done to make that home ours, and I just thought “Well, isn’t that nice.” But just like that:not mean, not sarcastic (surprised, right?). I really meant it. It was nice to see they made it their own. Before moved, I wept over the kids’ rooms and was shattered to think they would paint over the beautiful murals in each room.
Couldn’t they just hurry up and have one boy and one girl to fill those amazing nurseries? Now my babies nurseries have become a white home office and random grey room with a treadmill, and I really don’t care. Right now we are working on their fabulous new rooms in their fabulous new house. Progress, I call that progress, folks.
- At the end of it all: stressful decisions, packing, moving, living out of suitcases, and finally turning the key to your new home, if you want to high-five your husband and not high-five him in the face, well now, I call that #WINNING