It seems like the entire country is gearing up for Super Bowl Sunday by making cocktail weenies and football shaped cheese balls. Well good for you because this lady could care less about the game for two reasons:
- I am originally from Pittsburgh, so for me, football season has been over for quite some time. Bitter much you say? You betcha!
- This weekend is my annual Girls Weekend Away! Cue the music and confetti!!
That’s right folks, this weekend this lady and five of my favorite Mommy gal pals are ditching our kids with our Baby Daddies and hitting the road. Between the six of us, we have 13 kids and we are letting our husbands fend for themselves. Well actually, my in-laws will come swooping over when I am out of town to make sure the kids don’t go all Lord of the Flies on my husband.
Now I know what you are thinking, this trip is going to be a bar hopping, booze filled, Girls Gone Wild weekend, right? Ummm, no. Get your mind out of the gutter. Did you miss the part about 13 kids? Also we have two preggers on the trip, or as I like to call them, the friends that will drive me home after too many cocktails.
This weekend will be filled with wine, hours at the spa, yummy dinners, girl talk, and sleeping in. So I asked my ladies what excites them the most about a girls only weekend and of course their answers didn’t disappoint!
I really don’t know which part I am most excited about, but today it might be the sleeping in. Monkey has been waking up super early and he must realize that he needs to do something so amazingly adorable or I will send his cute tush back to bed. So his new trick is to quietly (not so quietly because I hear him come in my room) dig through my jewelry box and select something shiny. Then he brings it over to his sleeping Mamma and says, “Mommy, I got this present for you. Do you love it?” Because I am a silly sucker for my boy, I act surprised and tell him how much I love the ring, bracelet, random broken earring he has picked out. I guess there are worse ways to be woken up.
While I can’t wait to sleep without someone in footie pajamas waking me from my much needed beauty sleep, my buddy D-Love is looking forward to a weekend of peanut butter.
When you are a mom, you have to make sacrifices and sometimes those sacrifices just suck. For D-Love, her daughter’s peanut allergy has forced her to ban all peanut products from her house to ensure her little lady’s health—good mommy. But not this weekend! Bring on the peanut butter, D-Love because you deserve it! So when we are packing snacks for the weekend, D-Love’s only request was that it contains the forbidden fruit.
I really don’t know how she does it. Since I eat my stress, I can usually be found diving into a jar of peanut butter when I have a crappy day or the kids are working my last nerve. Rather than shouting “You kids are driving me to drink.” I yell “You kids are driving me to eat this entire jar of peanut butter.”
My DD for the weekend and traveling partner Coco is most excited about listening and singing along to really loud and profane rap music. Without little ears in the car, it is going to be a Biggie and Tupac kind of road trip. Even if this weekend is a bust, watching a pregnant Coco sing “All Eyes on Me”–worth it’s weight in gold.
Packing should be easy for Ms. Raven because she is only bringing a very, very tiny purse. You know, the kind you CAN’T fit a diaper, sippy cup, lollipops, wipes, toys, and snacks in. Ahhhh, how liberating
Really we are easy women to please, take the adorably pregnant Lemon. She is thrilled she won’t have to cut up anyone’s food and can speak without a kid interrupting 574,039 times. While Clear-Eyes is going to enjoy a weekend with a cellphone and iPad not covered in crumbs, slobber, or snot, and of course, the elusive moments of privacy in the bathroom. Glorious!
I am a firm believer in Girls Weekends. They are an investment in yourself, in your friendships, and your sanity. It gives you just enough time to relax and recharge. It also gives your husband just enough time to realize that you are superwoman and he and the kids would be lost without you. So pack your bags, grab the wine, and let’s hit the road, ladies!
So how about a giveaway? In honor of girlfriends that make your life better, easier, and happier I am giving away a beautiful Stella and Dot “Courage” bracelet. The wonderful Kelly Smith, Stella and Dot Stylist (also my personal bestie and Mimi’s Godmother!) has graciously given Questionable Choices in Parenting this gorgeous bracelet to be given to one of my readers!
So click this link of for your chance to win! The lucky winner will be announced on 2/11/2013
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have a fantabulous ladies-only weekend!! Drink too much wine and pee in privacy just for me!!!!!!!!
Thanks! Done and done 🙂
This is great! Very awesome that y’all get to do this – and I hope you post afterwards 🙂 Tell Coco she might like my lastest blog post (about a deep and abiding (secret) love of profane rap) – lol. Have fun!
Oh sounds like a ton of and definitely enjoy your ladies weekend. And awesome giveaway. Thanks for doing this here and entered, too 🙂
Girls weekends are just what the dr ordered for mommas who need a boost on their patience meter. A bunch of us have one scheduled for feb and I can’t wait. Have the best time. Oh, and not to rub salt in the wound but Go Ravens!!!
Have a great weekend! You write so well and paint such a vivid picture that you ALMOST make this 28yr old single male want to join in on your girl’s weekend. That didn’t sound right at all, but I’m gonna leave it out there anyway, haha. Enjoy your trip!
Well thank you! You just made my day 🙂 I like to think that all the $$$ my parents paid for my journalism degree is really paying off now ha!
Let me tell you, if you joined our girls weekend, you would not be sorry. We are a hoot!
Have a fabulous weekend! I can’t wait for my girls trip, but since I am 36 weeks prego I am thinking it will be a while 😉 Enjoy your trip!!!
I agree — girls’ weekends are a must! (I posted just last week about Ladies’ nights — also a must). Have a great time!! And now I’m going to enter your giveaway – that bracelet looks awesome!
Another enjoyable read and I love your code names, wink wink!!!!! Have fun ladies, don’t do anything that will get you in trouble with the locals:)
My Friends are important because every mommy needs some time to laugh and be crazy with someone.
Great post, I hope you have a restful, relaxing, and wonderful weekend with your friends. You deserve it!
Have fun!
They are someone who loves me and will always tell me the truth~
Hope you have a great weekend! My friends are important because they help keep me (somewhat) sane! 😉
Girlfriends are so important, they keep me sane, gossiping, laughing and drinking wine!! All important things to keep me from being committed!
It sounds like you are going to have an awesome weekend!! I’m totally jealous…I forget what it was like to carry a tiny little purse and listen to music other than Radio Disney in the car! 🙂
Have fun!
Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
Have a nice day!
friends knew you when, lol.
That sounds like an awesome weekend, I hope it was fun! I’d be with Coco, singing along to Biggie and Eminem 🙂 And your son is a genius, which I’m sure you knew. What a cutie pie!
Have a great weekend-My friends and i try to do this at least once a year-Hugs
Girls day are a must for me and my girls…
Always there when you need a ladies only talk.
My friends are so important to me because they are helping me stay sane and happy while going through a rough divorce.
Lisa Garner
My friends are important to me as they are always there for me through the good times and bad. I know that I can tell them anything and that they will never judge but instead understand.