Fun Fact: If my husband said “let’s watch this game on TV,” I’d be all “meh” BUT when it comes to the Olympics I’m all—Opening Ceremonies, highlight reels, medal ceremonies, USA-USA-USA. I cheer, I cry, I cry some more because I LOVE the Olympics. So as you can imagine, I’m going to be busy for the next few weeks.
This morning I got to host a a super fun Olympics for kids segment over on Good Morning Washington, and can I just say, I felt like a Olympian (maybe a DIY Olympian) for just a few minutes. So while I may never get a gold medal, mine are pretty rad because they have a cookie inside. Sweet, right?
Bubble Snakes- The perfect summer boredom buster
Your kids will LOVE this fun in the sun activity and we think you might too! The best part, this one is SO simple and you already have everything you need for these bubbles snakes in your house. Now let’s get outside and have some summertime fun.
What you’ll need:
✅ Water bottle(s)
✅ Water
✅ Dish soap
✅ Food coloring
✅ Scissors
✅ Tube socks
Click right here to see the video
Father’s Day DIY Gifts–S’more Kit
Here’s a super easy and super fun way to create a sweet treat that dad will love. You only need a few supplies for a DIY S’more kit. So grab the kids and let’s get crafty! Here’s my latest from TLC. Click right here to see the video!
Father’s Day DIY Gifts–For the Golf Loving Dad
If you need a quick gift for Dad and the man loves to golf, we’ve got a easy and cute DIY gift for him. So grab your kids and get a little crafty for Dear Old Dad this Father’s Day.
Here’s my latest on TLC! Click right here to see the video!
Crazy Hair Day–Donuts and One Eyed Monsters
We love a good spirit week around here—especially if it calls for Crazy Hair Day. Now to be fair, when we’re running late for the bus, my kids’ hair usually looks like it would fit right on Crazy Hair Day. However, for the actual day I got crafty before breakfast and was able to send the kids out the door with super rad hair that they absolutely loved. So they were thrilled and these fun styles took me just a few minutes to whip up. So here’s how I made the delicious donut hair and one eyed monsters.
First up–donuts! Start with a small paper plate and cut a small hole in the middle. You just need the hole to be wide enough to pull a ponytail through. With construction paper made a small circle and again cut the middle out. This will be your “icing.” Using a hot glue gun, attach lots of sprinkles. If you don’t have sprinkles, little pieces of colorful paper will work, too. Hot glue a few bobby pins to the bottom of your “icing.” Pu your child’s hair into a ponytail and pull it through the paper plate. Then put their hair into a bun and attach the “icing.” Boom–done. So easy and so stinking cute!
Now for the one eyed monster. Start by cutting pipe cleaners in half and hot gluing a googly eye on the end. Wrap the bottom of the pop cleaner around a bobby pin and place in your child’s hair. You can twist and turn the pipe cleaners into different directions to make them look extra wacky.
Love Bug Robots for Valentine’s Day
I love everything about Valentine’s Day—especially making treats for my little sweets. Check out my latest from TLCme where I’m putting together these adorable and super easy robots. What I love about these robots is you can make them with healthy snacks and there are perfect for class parties! For more life hacks, swing on over to my web series TLCMe Life Hacks
DIY Valentine’s Day Candy Jars
Because it’s not really a holiday until I’ve painted a mason jar! My latest from TLCme Lifehacks– this adorable jar that is easy to make and perfect for holding all your sweets on the sweetest day of the year. To catch more of my videos, hop on over to TLC!
DIY Santa Hot Coco Kit Gifts
Need a last minute Christmas gift that is festive, adorable, and easy to make? Then check out my latest Holiday Hacks from TLC #LifeHacks where I’m whipping up Santa Hot Coco Kits that are perfect for everyone on your holiday gift list.
Holiday Hacks on Good Morning Washington
Santa will soon be on his way but before the big day, you have to watch my latest segment on Good Morning Washington. For this round of holiday hacks, I had a very cute helper that has the most fabulous and festive hair that you will want to try for your kids.